NCAGS Exercise

Multinational NCAGS Exercise 15 Spain (MNEX 15 SP) was conducted on 16 - 27 November 2015. It was a Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping (NCAGS) and Allied Worldwide Navigation Information System (AWNIS) Command Post Exercise (CPX). It was executed at a number of locations. MNEX 15 SP was designed to exercise NCAGS and AWNIS personnel at the MCC staff as Staff Officer Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping (SO NCAGS) and Safety of Navigation Information Coordinator (SONIC) and within Deployed NCAGS Elements (DNE) in order to train NCAGS/AWNIS personnel for future missions and tasks. The exercise settings were based on real world shipping in the Area of Operations defined for the exercise, supplemented by paper shipping as/if required. The scenario was entirely fictitious and has no relationship to real world crisis. 13 personnel from Turkey, Belgium, Norway and Netherlands participated in this exercise and acted as DNE Marmaris.