Doctrine Development & Standards

Sayfa Değiştirilecek

Support Maritime Situational Awareness

It is foreseen that NATO’s existing MSA concept will be supported, the ability to provide resources to MSA will be determined; if there is none, new sub-concepts for development will be developed, the statistical contribution of other countries to MSA will be determined and compared, and regional trial activities will be planned to support the studies.

Additionally, it is not planned to realize and develop regional concepts of the strategic, operative and tactical MSA activities that emphasize the “MSA Study Paper” which was developed jointly by 3 COEs related to maritime.

Maintain Freedom of Navigation

To practice scenario-based experiments involving maritime risks (piracy, maritime terrorism, large-scale sea pollution, IEDs in the maritime domain, smuggling at sea) with law enforcement agencies together with military elements.

Maritime Interdiction Operations

It is foreseen that the interdiction measures for the prevention of banned cargo and personnel at all levels (Strategic, Operative and Tactical MIO) can be developed in the framework of UN resolutions and the development of concepts and exploration of other specialist areas and functions that MIO can support. In this context, the concepts of developed concepts are implemented in a multi-national environment in NMIOTC.

Prevent Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

It is envisaged to develop and test concepts that will enable the continuity of political, diplomatic, regional (PSI, CSI, and GCINT) work on the prevention of the deployment of WMDs within existing NATO works.

Critical Infrastructure Protection

It is planned to develop and test the concepts of strategic transport routes, mega-ports, energy basins (wind, wave, oil platform/units) in the maritime domain in terms of vulnerability and risk analyses, and if necessary, cost-effect protection concepts and practices with military measures/new technologies and also with the support of law enforcement elements/private sector/protection measures.

Support Maritime Counter Terrorism

To develop a concept and try to prevent any terrorist attacks against maritime elements such as ship/platform with the support of Special Forces or other military elements/new technologies (İDA, İHA etc.).

Contribute to Maritime Security Capacity Building

Within the scope of Maritime Security Capacity Building, it is envisaged to establish a Strategic Level Capacity Increase Concept with the principle of regional assistance (eastern, western, northern Africa, etc.) to be implemented in a long-term and sustainable framework. In this context, it is essential not to gain influence in the region where capacity is increasing, but to create stable countries that stand on their feet, manage maritime resources effectively and have the power of deterrence at a certain level.