EXER MARSEC-15 Initial Planning Conference

Multinational Maritime Security Exercise-2015 (EXER MARSEC-15) Initial Planning Conference (IPC) was held at MARSEC COE, on 24 October 2014. MARCOM, Italian, Kuwait and Turkish Navy, COE CSW, CJOS COE, ENSEC COE, Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communicatons, Turkish Sea Police, Turkish INTERPOL, Turkish Special Operations Police and Turkish Coast Guard representatives were present at this second event of the exercise planning activities, which is coordinated and hosted by MARSEC COE.

In accordance with the agenda, the Exercise Overview and Exercise Specifications (EXSPEC) briefings were provided. Following these briefings, Training Objectives, Contributions and planning details were discussed. The training requirements of the participating nations / organizations was asked and initial inputs were received and noted.

The training requirements will be finalised by Main Planning Conference (MPC), 10 - 12 March 2015, after consulting with all the participants. Turkey’s contribution for CPX and LIVEX was announced and initial commitments of the other participants were noted. It was reiterated that the contributions need to be finalized before the MPC. Site Survey was conducted in the morning session as the final agenda topic.

In the afternoon period; the discussions on the contributions were finalized. This was followed by discussions on draft scenario, Main Event List (MEL) / Main Injection List (MIL) and other exercise planning details. Participants’ initial comments were taken during this period.

IPC was an important milestone in the planning cycle and critical inputs were received which will help to better plan the EXER MARSEC-15, 21 - 28 October 2015.